NaviServer - programmable web server
4.99  5.0

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ns_server(n) 5.0.0a naviserver "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_server - Get state of the server's connection pools and queues

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This command provides a way to examine the current server's connection pools and queues. The allowed options (which may be abbreviated) are:


ns_server ?-server server? filters

Returns a list of the currently defined filters.

ns_server ?-server server? hosts

Returns a list of the registered hostnames for this server. This result list can be used as a white-list of configured and therefore secure contents accepted in the host header field of a request.

ns_server ?-server server? mapped ?-all? ?-exact? ?-noinherit? mapspec

Per default, returns the connection pool associated with the mapping specification (HTTP method and path). An empty value indicates the default connection pool. When the -all is specified, a dict is returned containing the keys pool and handler indicating the connection pool and the request handler handling this request.

When the option -exact is used, the inheritance is deactivated, and only the values are returned directly assigned to the URL. When the option -noinherit is specified, only values set with the -noinherit flag are returned, not the files below in the subtree.

ns_server ?-server server? pagedir

Returns the path of the virtual server's page directory root.

ns_server ?-server server? pools

Returns a list of the pools defined for this server.

ns_server ?-server server? requestprocs

Returns a list of the currently defined requestprocs (the registered procs for certain request patterns).

ns_server ?-server server? serverdir

Returns the path of the virtual server's base directory.

ns_server ?-server server? tcllib

Returns the path of the virtual server's private Tcl library.

ns_server ?-server server? traces

Returns a list of the currently defined traces.

ns_server ?-server server? url2file

Returns a list of the mappings from URLs to files.

ns_server ?-server server? vhostenabled

Returns a Boolean value to indicate whether virtual hosting is enabled for this server. The setting of this value influences e.g. the result of ns_conn location.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? active ?-checkforproxy?
ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? all ?-checkforproxy?
ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? queued

These three commands return information about queued or running requests. For every request the command returns a list containing connection id, the peer address, state ("running" or "queued"), the request (HTTP method and url), running time, and bytes sent. The sub-command all returns the union of the running and queued requests.

When option -checkforproxy is given, it tries to return the peer address from "x-forwarded-for" header field. If this is not possible (not given, or empty, or having the value "unknown") it falls back to the physical peer address.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? connections

Returns the number of connection requests processed by this pool since startup.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? map ?-noinherit? ?mapspec?

When the optional mapping specification (argument mapspec) is provided add this mapping to the server and pool (as specified or default). As a consequence matching requests (based on HTTP method and path) will be mapped to this connection pool.

When the optional argument mapspec is not provided, the command returns a list of mappings for the (given or default) server and pool.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? maxthreads ?value?

Query or set the maximum number of connection threads for this server and pool. The value must be large than minthreads and less than the maximum number of connections.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? minthreads ?value?

Query or set the minimum number of connection threads for this server and pool. The value must be between 1 and maxthreads.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? connectionratelimit ?value?

Query or set the maximum transmission rate per connection when data is sent via writer threads. The value is provided as KB/s. 0 means no rate limit.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? poolratelimit ?value?

Query or set the maximum transmission rate for the pool when data is sent via writer threads. The value is provided as KB/s. 0 means no rate limit. When the pool rate limit is set, all connections in this pool are managed.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? stats

Returns a list of attribute value pairs containing statistics for the server and pool, containing the number of requests, queued requests, dropped requests (queue overruns), cumulative times, and the number of started threads.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? threads

Returns a list of attribute value pairs containing information about the number of connection threads for the server and pool.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? unmap ?-noinherit? mapspec

Undoes the effect of a ns_server map operation. As a consequence formerly mapped requests will be served by the default connection pool.

Limitation: when the mapspec contains a context filter (see below) this is ignored, all entries with the specified HTTP method and path are unmapped.

ns_server ?-server server? ?-pool value? waiting

Returns the number of connections waiting (i.e. queued) to be processed.


-server server

Specifies the (virtual) server to be queried. If this option is not specified, the current server is used as a source.

-pool value

Specifies the pool to be queried. If this option is not specified, the default pool of the server is used as a source.


Optional flag for the connection pool mappings. When used, the specified path will be used literally, i.e., only exactly this path, but no sub-paths are mapped.


A list of two or three arguments, containing an HTTP method, a path and optionally a context filter. The following example contains an HTTP method and a URL path. Example:

 GET /*.tcl

In this example, GET is used as a key in the URL tree, the path is / and the match filter is *.tcl (see also ns_urlspace). If no wildcard is provided, the default match filter is * (i.e., match all). The option ?-noinherit? is mostly useful for these situations, since the option can avoid matching the elements in the subtree.

Note that the following three mapspec definitions are equivalent, the path is always /foo/bar and the match filter is *.

 GET /foo/bar
 GET /foo/bar/
 GET /foo/bar/*

When the mapspec is used as three element list, the last argument is the context filter, containing a request header-field and a value for matching. The pseudo request header-field "X-NS-ip" is used for mapping requests from a certain IP address of from an IP range (in CIDR notation). In reverse proxy mode, the client IP address is taken form the value as provided by the reverse proxy server.


 ns_server -pool bots map "GET /* {user-agent *bot*}"
 ns_server -pool bots map "GET /* {user-agent *crawl*}"
 ns_server -pool bots map "GET /* {user-agent *baidu*}"
 ns_server -pool bots map "GET /* {X-NS-ip 2a03:2880::/29}"
 ns_server -pool local map "GET /* {X-NS-ip}"
 ns_server -pool local map "GET /* {X-NS-ip}"


The following example shows, how dynamic connection pool mapping can be implemented based on the "partialtimes" of a request: When a request is taking longer than a certain threshold, the combination of HTTP method and request path (the mapspec) is mapped dynamically to a pool named "slow". As a consequence later requests with the same HTTP method and path will be served from this connection pool.

 ns_register_trace GET /* {
    set pt [ns_conn partialtimes]
    set req [list [ns_conn method] [ns_conn url]]
    set ctime [expr {[dict get $pt runtime] + [dict get $pt filtertime]}]
    if {$ctime > 3.0 && [ns_server mapped $req] eq ""} {
       ns_server -pool slow map -noinherit $req

The connection thread pools are defined in the configuration file. In these sections, also the mapping of requests to the pools can be defined with the configuration values map-inherit and map-noinherit. The term map is the short form of map-inherit The specification using map-noinherit corresponds to the -noinherit as described above.

 ns_section "ns/server/$server/pools" {
    ns_param fast "Fast lane pool"
    ns_param slow "Slow lane pool"
    ns_param bots "Bot pool"
 ns_section "ns/server/$server/pool/fast" {
    ns_param minthreads 4
    ns_param maxthreads 4
    ns_param rejectoverrun true
    ns_param map "GET /*.png"
    ns_param map "GET /*.jpg"
    ns_param map "GET /*.pdf"
    ns_param map-noinherit "GET /dotlrn/mt"
 ns_section "ns/server/$server/pool/slow" {
    ns_param minthreads 5
    ns_param maxthreads 15
    ns_param maxconnections 200
    ns_param rejectoverrun true
ns_section "ns/server/$server/pool/bots" {
    ns_param   map "GET  /* {user-agent *bot*}"
    ns_param   map "GET  /* {user-agent *rawl*}"
    ns_param   map "GET  /* {user-agent *pider*}"
    ns_param   map "GET  /* {user-agent *baidu*}"
    ns_param   minthreads 2
    ns_param   maxthreads 2
    ns_param   rejectoverrun true
    ns_param   poolratelimit 1000    ;# 0; limit rate for pool to this amount (KB/s); 0 means unlimited

You might query a certain mapping at runtime:

 % ns_server mapped "GET /images/logo.png"

Mapping with context constraints can also be provided in the configuration file. We extend the example above by adding a bot pool. An incoming request is mapped to the bot pool, when the user-agent of the incoming request matches one of the specified names based on a wild-card match.

 ns_section "ns/server/$server/pools" {
    ns_param fast "Fast lane pool"
    ns_param slow "Slow lane pool"
    ns_param bots "Bot pool"
 # ...
 ns_section "ns/server/$server/pool/bots" {
    ns_param map "GET  /* {user-agent *bot*}"
    ns_param map "GET  /* {user-agent *rawl*}"
    ns_param map "GET  /* {user-agent *pider*}"
    ns_param map "GET  /* {user-agent *baidu*}"
    ns_param minthreads 2
    ns_param maxthreads 2
    ns_param rejectoverrun true
    ns_param poolratelimit 1000    ;# limit rate for pool to this amount (KB/s)

See Also

ns_conn, ns_register, ns_urlspace


configuration, connection thread pools, context filter, mapspec, pagedir, pools, reverse proxy, server built-in, tuning, virtual host