commandlist | Full List of NaviServer Commands |
ns_absoluteurl | Construct a completed URL from an partial URL based on a base URL |
ns_addrbyhost | Forward lookup a hostname to its IP address |
ns_adp | ADP introduction and operation |
ns_adp_abort | Stop processing of the current ADP and discard queued output |
ns_adp_append | Append data to the output buffer for the current connection |
ns_adp_argc | Return the number of arguments to the current ADP |
ns_adp_argv | Return the number of arguments to the current ADP |
ns_adp_bind_args | Bind ADP arguments to variables |
ns_adp_break | Stop processing of the current ADP |
ns_adp_close | Flushes the ADP output buffer and closes the HTTP connection |
ns_adp_ctl | ADP control command |
ns_adp_debug | Connect to the TclPro Debugger if not already connected |
ns_adp_dir | Returns the current working directory for an ADP page |
ns_adp_dump | Return the contents of the current ADP output buffer |
ns_adp_exception | Examine the current ADP exception state |
ns_adp_flush | Flushes the ADP output buffer without closing the HTTP connection |
ns_adp_include | Parse an ADP file and return its output |
ns_adp_info | Get information about currently processing ADP |
ns_adp_mimetype | Get or set the mime type for the current ADP page |
ns_adp_parse | Parse an ADP file or string and return its output |
ns_adp_puts | Append data to the output buffer for the current connection |
ns_adp_register | Creating Custom ADP Tags |
ns_adp_return | Stop processing of the current ADP and return up the call stack |
ns_adp_stats | Return statistics about cached ADP pages |
ns_adp_tell | Get number of bytes in current ADP output buffer |
ns_adp_trunc | Truncate the ADP output buffer |
ns_asynclogfile | Manage connection channels. |
ns_atclose | Queue a script to run after the current connection is closed |
ns_atsignal | Server callbacks |
ns_base64 | Binary-to-text and text-to-binary encoding |
ns_baseunit | Check whether the provided byte-array contains a valid UTF-8 byte sequence |
ns_cache | Cache manipulation |
ns_certctl | ADP control command |
ns_chan | Share Tcl channels between threads and interpreters |
ns_charsets | Determine the charsets for which we have encodings |
ns_cond | Operate on condition variables |
ns_config | Configuration parameters |
ns_conn | Find information about the current HTTP connection |
ns_connchan | Manage connection channels. |
ns_cookie | HTTP cookies |
ns_crash | Platform-independent Command to Trigger a Segmentation Fault |
ns_critsec | Operate on critical section objects |
ns_crypt | Encrypt a string for use as a password |
ns_crypto | Low level cryptographic functions based on the OpenSSL crypto library |
ns_driver | Obtain Network Driver Information. |
ns_encodingforcharset | Return the name of the encoding for the specified charset |
ns_encodingfortype | Return the encoding implied by the given MIME type string |
ns_env | Return, change or add a value of an environment variable |
ns_filestat | Returns information about a file |
ns_findset | Find a set by its name from a list of sets |
ns_fmttime | Convert seconds to a human-readable format using templates |
ns_fseekchars | Seek in an open file for a string |
ns_ftruncate | truncate an open Tcl channel to a specified length |
ns_getcontent | Return the message body of a received request |
ns_getcsv | Parse CSV Files |
ns_getform | Return an ns_set that contains all of the query data that was part of the HTTP request |
ns_getformfile | Return a tempfile for a form file field |
ns_gifsize | Determine the width and height of a GIF87 or GIF89 image |
ns_gmtime | Return current time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) |
ns_guesstype | Lookup MIME type based on file extension |
ns_hash | Compute a numeric hash value from a string |
ns_hashpath | Break path into subdirectories |
ns_hmac | Returns a string containing a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) |
ns_hostbyaddr | Reverse lookup an IP address to its hostname |
ns_hotp | Returns a decimal-coded one-time password (HOTP) |
ns_hrefs | Returns URLs from anchor elements in a chunk of HTML |
ns_htmlselect | Build an HTML SELECT form widget from the specified data |
ns_http | HTTP client functionality |
ns_httptime | Convert seconds to HTTP date format |
ns_ictl | Manipulate and introspect Tcl interpreter internals |
ns_imgmime | Return the MIME type of an image |
ns_imgsize | Determine the width and height of a JPEG, GIF or PNG image |
ns_imgtype | Return the type of an image |
ns_info | Return information about various aspects of the running NaviServer |
ns_internalredirect | Re-authorize and restart url processing |
ns_ip | Determine properties of IP addresses in the current configuration |
ns_issmallint | Test to see if a number is a 'smallint' |
ns_job | Implement job queues and thread pools for evaluating Tcl scripts |
ns_jpegsize | Determine the width and height of a JPEG image |
ns_kill | Send a process a signal |
ns_library | Get the paths to the private and shared Tcl libraries |
ns_localtime | Return current time in local timezone |
ns_locationproc | Register custom location handler |
ns_log | Global server system log |
ns_md | Returns a string containing a message digest (MD) |
ns_md5 | Returns a 32-character, hex-encoded string containing the MD5 hash of the first argument |
ns_memoize | Evaluate a Tcl script and cache the result |
ns_mkdtemp | Make a unique temporary directory |
ns_mktemp | Make a unique temporary filename |
ns_moduleload | Load binary module and initialize it |
ns_modulepath | Get the paths to a server's modules |
ns_mutex | Operate on mutexes |
ns_normalizepath | Normalize a path |
ns_pagepath | Return path to current virtual server pages |
ns_parseargs | Parse list of arguments |
ns_parsefieldvalue | Parse the content of an HTTP request or reply header field into its components |
ns_parseheader | Parse HTTP header |
ns_parsehostport | Parse a string containing host and an optional port |
ns_parsehttptime | Convert an HTTP date format string into seconds |
ns_parsemessage | Parse an HTTP message |
ns_parsequery | Parse a URL query string into an ns_set |
ns_parseurl | Parse a URL into its components |
ns_pngsize | Determine the width and height of a PNG image |
ns_purgefiles | Purge files by date, keeping max files |
ns_queryexists | Check for a key in the query data that was part of the HTTP request |
ns_queryget | Get a value from the query data that was part of the HTTP request |
ns_querygetall | Get multiple query values from the HTTP request |
ns_rand | Generate a random number |
ns_register | Register Tcl/ADP handlers |
ns_requestauthorize | Authorization check |
ns_return | Return a complete HTTP response |
ns_rlimit | Get or set resource limit in the operating system |
ns_rollfile | Roll an arbitrary file |
ns_runonce | Run Tcl script only once |
ns_rwlock | Create, destroy, and manipulate read/write locks |
ns_schedule | Scheduling Tcl scripts |
ns_sema | Operate on semaphore-like objects |
ns_sendmail | Sending mail via SMTP |
ns_server | Get state of the server's connection pools and queues |
ns_serverpath | Returns absolute path to current virtual server home directory |
ns_serverrootproc | Callback for determining server root |
ns_set | Data Structure for Multimap with Potentially Case-insentitive Key-value Pairs |
ns_setexpires | Set the current connections Expires header field to the current time plus seconds seconds |
ns_setformencoding | Set the form encoding of the current connection |
ns_setprivileges | Set the current process privileges |
ns_sha1 | Returns a 40-character, hex-encoded string containing the SHA1 hash of the first argument |
ns_shutdown | Shut down NaviServer |
ns_sleep | Sleep for a specified number of seconds |
ns_sls | Socket local storage for connections |
ns_sockaccept | Accept a new socket connection |
ns_sockblocking | Set socket blocking |
ns_sockcallback | Register a socket callback script |
ns_sockcheck | Check if a socket is connected |
ns_socketpair | Create a pair of connected sockets |
ns_socklisten | Create a new socket listening for connections |
ns_socklistencallback | Run script on connection |
ns_socknonblocking | Set socket nonblocking |
ns_socknread | Return bytes to be read |
ns_sockopen | Connect to a remote host on the specified port |
ns_sockselect | Determine processable channels |
ns_strcoll | Compare strings according to the current locale collation |
ns_symlink | Create a symbolic link |
ns_thread | Operate on threads |
ns_time | Perform various time-related functions |
ns_totp | Returns a decimal-coded time-based one-time password (TOTP) |
ns_truncate | Truncate file in size |
ns_upload_stats | Return Real-Time Statistics for an Ongoing File Upload |
ns_url2file | Return the path to a file referenced by a URL |
ns_urlcharset | Set the current connections url charset |
ns_urldecode | URL decoding |
ns_urlencode | Encode a string to its URL-encoded representation |
ns_urlspace | Assign Application Data to URLs |
ns_uudecode | Binary-to-text decoding using "htuu" encoding |
ns_uuencode | Binary-to-text encoding using "htuu" encoding |
ns_valid_utf8 | Check whether the provided byte-array contains a valid UTF-8 byte sequence |
ns_write | Return data to client |
ns_writer | Manage files with writer thread |
nsv | NaviServer nsv Commands |
returnstatus-cmds | Return a complete HTTP status message |
textutil-cmds | Utility commands for processing text |