NaviServer - programmable web server
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ns_kill(n) 5.0.0a naviserver "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_kill - Send a process a signal

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The ns_kill command sends a signal to a process identified by its process ID (PID). Although signals are a Unix concept, a minimal form of signal handling is emulated on Windows platforms.


ns_kill ?-nocomplain? pid signal

Sends the specified signal to the process with the given pid. The signal must be provided as an integer. If the -nocomplain option is used, the command will not return an error if it fails to send the signal.

Common signal values (for Unix-like systems) include:

  • SIGHUP: 1

  • SIGQUIT: 3


  • SIGKILL: 9

  • SIGUSR1: 10

  • SIGUSR2: 12

  • SIGTERM: 15

On Windows, only SIGTERM, SIGABRT, and SIGKILL are supported through an emulation layer. Under Unix-like systems, SIGQUIT, SIGKILL, and SIGABRT generate a core dump and can be used similarly to the ns_crash command. Internally, ns_shutdown uses SIGTERM to request a graceful shutdown of the server.


 # Send signal SIGUSR1 to the own process
 % ns_kill 72555 10

See Also

ns_crash, ns_job, ns_shutdown


global built-in, restart, shutdown, signals