NaviServer - programmable web server
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ns_shutdown(n) 5.0.0a naviserver "NaviServer Built-in Commands"


ns_shutdown - Shut down NaviServer

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This command shuts down the server, optionally waiting timeout seconds to let existing connections and background jobs finish. When this time limit is exceeded the server shuts down immediately.

When timeout is not specified the default or configured timeout is used (default 20). The default can be changed by the parameter shutdowntimeout in the global server parameters (section ns/parameters in the configuration file). When timeout it is specified, it must be a value >= 0.


ns_shutdown ?-restart? ?timeout?

timeout Time to wait before shutting down the server. The timeout can be specified in the form secs?:microsecs?, or secs.fraction, or as a number with a time unit.

-restart send an interrupt signal to the server, leading to a nonzero exit code.


 ns_shutdown 30s

See Also

ns_kill, ns_time


restart, server built-in